Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Presidential Tarot Reading for Hillary:

Using the Celtic Cross Spread:

1. The general Situation
2. Crossed by
3. What covers her
4. What is behind her
5.Possible Future
6. Immediate Future
7. What she brings into the situation
8. What the Environment brings
9. Hopes and Fears
10. Outcome

Divination Results:

1. Ten of Pentacles

2. The World

3. Queen of Cups

4. Two of Pentacles

5. The Emperor

6. The Tower

7. Six of Pentacles

8. Nine of Swords

9. The High Priestess

10. Five of Swords

 ******* My Interpretation ********

1.  Ten of Pentacles-You ask because: You own the world. You are the richest. You have success in the world, in your field and so far you have societal approval and influence. You are the Big Boss, getting instant respect from others- due to your job.

2. The World- Crossed by:  Plans realized, success is there,  an accomplishment followed by doors opening for you, this card would be a completion of some project, if followed by positive cards. But with cards that follow I can say it feels more that they are cards of loss which follow and would be more interpreted as that the victory will be one that has a 'dark side', in which case might negate any thing that has come before now. (a note to self that this card in this position is a tantric sex card. the big O card.) Maybe too worldly, indeed.

3. Queen of Cups- What covers you: A World in which you feel your expression of motherhood is valid. You act upon your motherly love. Maybe you feel you are acting in an emotional and responsible way. Most people do. You, however are very concerned with the emotional response you will promote and people are now beginning to read you as a mother of hell. A very bad mother,  to our blessed united states.

4.Two of Pentacles- Immediate Future: Juggling to many things at once. Here we see that there is some sort of balance being maintained, but what is the source? Is it a balance between love and money? Is there any sanity to be had here> I see this as a card that says doing too much with nothing really being done? And lots of stuff dropped on Hillary and perhaps she would be better off with a lower management job, in the shipping dept. or perhaps a VP of Marketing ect.....

5. The Emperor- What is behind you: If there was a card that most represented the male father figure this would be it. What is behind is Hillarys father, and perhaps her husband, who she has outgrown, as they are in the past now, it is all about her. She will not be told what to do anymore, in fact, you can see that determination on her face as she puts balls to the walls and denies her own face to make it as if she has balls of her own. This usually is a 'YES' card, but in this position, I am reading it as a 'NO'. The grip is too tight, The big boss has no balls, so to speak?

6. The Tower- Possible Future: Shit is hitting the fan. Surprising events, a shock- the truth becomes apparent now, especially if one has been in denial. The surprise can be a real shocker or an accident, violence of some kind. It is a thorn in the side, the breakup of some situation is occurring here. The breakup and loss, possibly very embarrassing , a lawsuit, an accusation. At best, a major shake up.

7. Six of Pentacles- Immediate Future:  Of course this card means financial aid of some sort. Help from 'above' or 'below'= maybe angels and also devils will help her?  Or maybe powers that be have chosen her, but this is a card of aid. I always see this card that someone from behind is helping a person out.  I can read into this that she has financial help from a definite power.

8. Nine of Swords- The Environment:  I tread carefully** with this card, as it can mean a few different things and I would never want to shock a seeker by telling them they are for sure going to have a bad time. The nines, all of them are telling a story on their own, and the nine of swords for sure is showing me that Hillary is quite depressed about the possibility of going to jail and very worried about her future. This card is in her environment element and so she can feel the hate coming at her and is genuinely worried. This card always shows the loss of a much needed job, or lover, in this case, her job.

**YMMV with that one. This is a sad card of inner depression. A face she will not show to the public.

9. The High Priestess- Hopes and Fears: Who would have known that Hillary had any fears. This card shows that she surely knows what she wants. Her third eye is focused and more powerful than the average person! Because she is in a leadership position-- she really should clue in to an average persons' reality . This lady had the key to the fucking world in her hand and she knows it so this card is just another way of saying YAH WHAT< SO WHAT OF IT, I am the HEAD BITCH IN CHARGE. the next card will show how that can be a problem in this world as you never should let yourself feel so omnipotent. You just never know who will shut you down and knock you off your high horses.

I say this because, it is sad for the Outcome card says this.

10. Five of Swords: Outcome: 5 card of betrayal. 5 of the struggle,5 fighting for what you want, but some one is seeking to ruin you.In this stance as an outcome card- it represents the seeker is going to be gamed on hard by some opposition she won't even see coming and this is a time of trouble for her.The utter humiliation of being defeated in this way will be the reason she won't win. It is the ultimate card of betrayal, especially when preceded by the Tower in the environment position. I see this as someone indeed is going to pull her 'covers'. This is an outcome card, so will the fight be worth the reward?> Some victories are hollow and some defeats inevitable. The empty victories should be softened and the defeats accepted with equanimity.

From this reading- and for the many times in the past 8 years that ppl have been telling me that Hillary will be the next President, Hello- the cards say that things are looking shaky for Hillary.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Presidential Tarot Reading for Trump

Question: What are the energies surrounding Trumps success for the election 2016?

Using the Celtic Cross spread:
1. The general situation (why you ask)
2. Crossed by
3. What covers him
4. What is behind him
5. Possible Future
6. Immediate Future
7. What he brings to the situation
8. What the Environment brings
9. Hopes and Fears
10. Outcome

Divination Results:

1. Ace of Cups

2. Two of Pentacles

3.Knight of Pentacles

4. Five of Wands

5. Page of Swords

6. Two of Swords

7.Nine of Pentacles

8. Death

9. Seven of Wands

10. Five of Cups

******** My Interpretation *******

1, Ace of Cups-you ask because Perhaps it has been a lifelong dream of Trump to be the President for the Ace of Cups here could represent "Finding the job of your dreams." At any rate: The start of a project with strong emotional commitment and intentions to follow thru with that energy.

2. Two of Pentacles- crossed by the many responsibilities and projects that Donald already has on his plate. Many things are dumped on him daily, giving him the ability to multi-task- juggle a load of duties with ease.

3.Covered by the Knight of Pentacles- Knights are players but not controllers as I see it. Knights for sure have a peg to play with and are players but the aren't the 'big bosses'(King or Queen in readings). The Knight of Pentacles know how to capitalize and use opportunities to make money. Trump is not afraid of hard work and loves to wheel and deal.

4. Jockeying for recognition,whats behind him the Five of Wands shows perhaps some competition that has the potential to turn into a nasty struggle. When followed by cards of defeat (which it does) Trump could be playing a sort of light hearted game as depicted in the card,  mistaking it for that (a game) and not seeing a more serious situation that could be playing itself out as the cycle progresses.

5.Page of Swords possible future stance is a card of intelligence- a person who is very clever but seems emotionally unreachable and aloof. Again with cards of failure, this means cutting himself off from others and distancing himself, unaware of the wall he is building between himself and his constituents. Always Pages are messengers, harborers of enlightenment and this Page for sure says to me he is being too forceful and he is showing himself to be very blunt and harsh.

6. Stalemate.  immediate future The Two of Swords meaning = 'Damned if you do, damned if you don't'. Hung up and unable to move forward, this card will be the agony that will be felt by Trump knowing that all the money in the world does not ensure that he will get his way. The choice is out of his hands, so to speak. Someone else will be signing off on this one, and that does not sit well with Trump.

7. What Trump brings to the table: Security and self employment is represented here by the Nine of Pentacles. What Trump brings to the situation is that he really is in a sense more in control of his own destiny concerning financial success, due to his own efforts. Perhaps that is what is so attractive to his followers as they feel that he can't be bought. But in looking at it with other cards surrounding I have to wonder if that is really true.

8. The environment surrounding Trump is a general feeling that this situation comes to a clear ending. Remember that the Death card does not always foretell of physical death (Watch for it if the surrounding cards are high swords, then it would be worth exploring further). But it does look to me as if this would for sure be a tell-tale sign of the painful sense of disillusionment he will feel. For Trump, no further activity in this campaign can be expected. It will be a blow to his ego, perhaps. Money can't buy everything?

9. Hopes and Fears- Seven of Wands  is a card of a kinda pro-active determination which he has displayed throughtout his life. That of someone who is trying to get to the root of the matter. Problems that are not being addressed by any other candidate, he assures us he can get to the bottom of it with sheer force. Some situation where the matter 'comes to a head' is what I am seeing here. Something being forced. Maybe something else entering the situation creating a new sort of competition that Trump is perhaps ill suited and unprepared for. This actually sends shackles up my spine, especially since it is in line here with the Death card but perhaps it is just a message of his type A personality in a highly competitive dog eat dog world. And that he will overcome the defeat, which is my determination because of the outcome card shown next.

10. OUTCOME Notice the 3 fallen over cups in the Five of Cups. There are 2 cups behind which are full. but going unnoticed. This shows a process of grief and mourning. The 2 full cups represent that which remains of value in life is still intact in spite of this loss. The Five of Cups is a card of letting go- saying good-bye. The Oracle sees this as a loss, a defeat and although frustrating to Trump, it is not the end of the world. Look back to the cups that are full, he will be fine.
However --he will not be President of the United States in 2016. (according to my reading)

A lot of times when I do readings for ppl I will sing the results in the form of a song, or a rhyme, or even rap. I do it for some extra entertainment for the seeker, if I feel they are of the kind of personality that won't find it too weird. Let me think on this and maybe do a little ditty here about it.